Just wanted to remind those that visit me on occassion or dare I say are linked to me, please change your linkage to my new blog site: House Of Muses

Make haste! I don't think I can miss you for very long!!!
Just wanted to remind those that visit me on occassion or dare I say are linked to me, please change your linkage to my new blog site: House Of Muses
So I have a new home now.....check it out.
That is the question I am asking me. Lesser primates have better spelling skillz! I type, in my head it is a coherent flow of words mashed together into something profound, deep, silly, whathave you. Then I read it after I submit, no matter how many times I have proof read, and I have a gazillion typos. Really blows when I am passionate and trying to get a point across.....
Okay, so I freely admit I have a big hankering love from shawls and wraps and thingies of that sort....Check this out. I really, really, really, really gotta learn to knit properly. Sigh! I will cast on tonight and post a photo of one of my hang ups...and no, no stitches are falling off the end of my needle...but I get this string, growing ever so slowly, in between my needles. Back to that shawl, ain't it purty? I enjoy browsing that site...sigh, oh, to become a knitter.
Today was a good day, no, a GREAT day!!!
Well I couldn't resist I had to say something to the meany in that one thread that sent me over the edge....
Don't ask me about the title it just sounded Latin.
Yeah...that's me! Okay potty minds I mean a private dick, a detective....think Bogey, remember when dick was a good word?
Okay first, put down your stones and clubs...I know I said I was gonna send pressies/packages out as soon as I got to the city (during the open hours of the post)....well I haven't made it yet....